크린토피아 영업시간 Cleantopia business hours

When washing shirts, blankets, sneakers, outdoor clothes, school uniforms, hats, dolls, bags, etc., Cleantopia laundry service is often used. Before visiting Cleantopia, it would be a good idea to check the business hours before visiting! Let’s talk about the business hours and discounts of Cleantopia.

크린토피아 영업시간

Cleantopia business hours


Cleantopia discount information 크린토피아 영업시간
Find a Cleantopia store (View business hours)

Cleantopia discount information 좋은뉴스


Cleantopia business hours


If you look at Cleantopia usage information, you can see information on discounts, memberships, sales and events. Please refer to the information above for the birthday discount with 20% discount and the cleaning day discount with 7% discount every Wednesday. Two or more discounts cannot be applied simultaneously. Take a look at the Cleantopia discount days and take advantage of the benefits.


Cleantopia business hours

Discount on baby clothes?

A 20% discount is applied based on general adult laundry. For children’s clothes, the clothing size is 130 (No. 9) or less, and the shoe size is 190 mm or less.


What day do you wash your blankets?

Every Wednesday and Saturday, it is a 30% discount on bedding laundry fees. Stores in hypermarkets and corporate supermarkets apply on Thursdays and Saturdays.


Find a Cleantopia store (View business hours)

Cleantopia business hours

Business hours of Cleantopia may vary depending on the store, so you can inquire at the store you want to use or use the store locator to check the business hours of the store. If you click the address part that appears after searching, you can see the address, phone number, business hours, and details about the service. You can select and search for laundry convenience store, coin laundry, unmanned laundry, Y-shirt sales, and collection delivery.



👉Find a store



There are about 3,000 Cleantopia stores nationwide, but all of them have different business hours. Looking at a few places, the opening hours are around 8-10 am and close between 8-10 pm. Opening hours are all different, so make sure to inquire at the store you want or check the business hours in the store locator.