근로복지공단 토탈서비스 Labor Welfare Corporation Total Service

Let’s take a look at the total service of the Labor Welfare Corporation
If you work, the company will have four major insurance. Pensions are managed by the National Pension Service and medical insurance is managed by the Health Insurance Corporation. Employment Industrial Service Insurance is checked by the Korea Labor Welfare Corporation under the Ministry of Employment and Labor. Today we will look at total service among them.

Total Service for Labor Welfare Corporation
As you can see from the name of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, this is a place for workers working in Korea. Of course, the employer’s position is also listening to the employer. Anyway, there is something operated in this place for the welfare of workers. 근로복지공단 토탈서비스

근로복지공단 토탈서비스

That’s the Korea Labor Welfare Corporation. Perhaps the government is operating and operated for improving these convenience and treatment to workers who pay taxes that affect a lot. 좋은뉴스

In fact, you can check the official website of the Ministry of Employment and Labor. If you press the partial and related organizations in the bottom part, you will be able to go to the Labor Welfare Corporation.


In this site, there are guidance on the information disclosure menu, including a menu of customer communication or what the industrial complex is doing, paying subscription, industrial accident compensation, rehabilitation, workers’ welfare, industrial complexes, and job security funds. In fact, this is not a total service of employment industrial accident insurance.

If you look at the top right on the site, some menus are provided colorful.

If you look there, you will see the total service menu you want. You can use it.



Labor Welfare Corporation’s employment and industrial accident insurance total service



If you look at what you can do here, you can divide it into some large categories.

It is also provided to workplaces or office stages, and it is divided into items that can be used by medical institutions or individuals.

For example, you can search if the eligibility of the workplace was reported normally.

In addition, you can check the history of employment industrial accident insurance.

In the case of a leave of absence, it is provided by the Labor Welfare Corporation’s total service.