도시가스 요금계산 City gas rate calculation

Find out how to calculate city gas rates and view the usage amount. You can easily check your city gas bill by mail as a monthly Giro receipt is sent to your home. However, there are times when bills do not come due to delivery errors, so it is good to know how to check the city gas bill online. Also, there are times when I need to check how much money I have before the receipt arrives this month, because when I move, I have to sort out utility bills from my previous residence. In addition, it is useful to see if you have succeeded in saving compared to the same month last year because it also shows the gas bill that came out in the past.


Find out the formula for calculating city gas rates

▶ Residential city gas rate calculation formula ◀

도시가스 요금계산

① Basic rate = 1,000 won

② Usage charge = usage X temperature and pressure correction factor X average heat (MJ) X unit price for housing 도시가스 요금계산

③ Value-added tax = (basic charge + usage charge) X 0.1

④ Notice amount = ① + ② + ③ + late fee in case of non-payment 좋은뉴스


▶ Example of city gas rate calculation ◀


In the case of usage 100㎥, temperature and pressure correction factor 0.9995, average heat value 42.5MJ, unit price 14.7272 won/MJ


① Basic rate = 1,000 won

② Charge = 100m3 X 0.9995 X 42.5MJ X 14.7272 won = 62,559 won

③ VAT = (KRW 1,000 + KRW 62,559) X 0.1 = KRW 6,356

④ Notice amount = KRW 1,000 + KRW 62,599 + KRW 6,356 = KRW 68,910


Less than the original unit is cut off, and the unit price of the gas fee should be directly checked with the monthly applied amount. Please note that the unit price may vary depending on the area where you live.


▶ Learn about city gas terms ◀


In accordance with the Metering Act, when the validation period arrives, the supplier replaces the meter, and the cost is charged monthly to the gas bill.


The temperature and pressure correction factor means the conversion from the temperature and pressure in the state of measuring the gas flow rate to the standard state of 0℃ and 101,325 Pa.


A late fee of 2% per month is added to the principal amount charged, and is imposed twice a year.

Find out how to check your city gas usage amount
Depending on the city, county and dong of the area where you live, the city gas company that has jurisdiction is different. First, you can find a local company where you live, then enter the site to inquire about city gas rates.




1. Go to the Korea City Gas Association website and click Find Customer Center.



2. Please select the city and district where you live.



3. If you look on the left, you can see the city gas company name, and click it to go to the site.



4. Find the bill inquiry / payment tab on the site and enter it.




5. You need to log in, but you can enter your customer number without registering as a member.


The customer number is a giro number assigned to each household. It is a unique number assigned to the user institution by the Korea Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute and is used for customer authentication. You can find the number on the top left of your Giro receipt.



This is the gas bill from the house I live in. My house is multi-family, and I live with my grandmother and grandfather, so gas bills are high for heating in the winter.



If you know the expected amount of gas and post it, you can find out the price in advance. If you enter the gas unit ㎥ in the amount used, the fee will come out. It is convenient to use this function without having to manually calculate the city gas fee.


362㎥ city gas rate calculation formula

Basic fee = 1,000 won

Charge = 362㎥ X 0.9996 X 42.392MJ X 15.9347 won = 244,434 won

VAT = (KRW 1,000 + KRW 244,434) X 0.1 = KRW 24,543

Notice amount: KRW 1,000 + KRW 244,434 + KRW 24,543 = KRW 269,970

Find out how to pay your city gas bill

The easiest way is to use your unique virtual account number in the bottom right corner of your Giro receipt. You can deposit the amount on the bill to any bank account convenient for you.





The second method is to pay online at the Giro site.


1. Access the Giro site and enter your member login or public certificate password to log in.

2. Select Giro Bill Payment > City Gas Bill > Internet inquiry payment.

3. Enter your giro number and electronic payment number.

4. Check the notice details (receiving institution, name of payer, monthly payment period, payment amount, electronic payment number).

5. Select a payment account and enter the account password to transfer.


Now, easily manage utility bills with the method of calculating and viewing city gas rates that can be done on the Internet.