음주운전 벌금 조회 Drunk driving fine inquiry

Nowadays, almost everything is available on the In

If you click the penalty payment inquiry above, you will be taken to the login screen as shown below. There is a menu called non-member real name confirmation, but it may not be viewed normally. So, if possible, I think it ternet. You shouldn’t do it, but this is necessary information for those who have to pay a fine because they are caught driving under the influence of alcohol. In this post, I’m going to learn how to get a drunk driving penalty inquiry in a simple way. This information can be viewed on the Criminal Justice Portal website.

음주운전 벌금 조회

You can search for the Criminal Justice Portal on the portal site and enter, or if you want to enter right away, you can connect to “https://www.kics.go.kr”. When you log in, you will see a page like the one below. All the frequently used menus are gathered at the bottom by default. In order to view the penalty amount, click on the penalty payment inquiry. For normal inquiry, it is recommended to prepare a public certificate in advance if possible. And please sign up as a member. 음주운전 벌금 조회


would be better to log in through a public certificate after signing up as a member. If you log in, you will be able to view accurate information. 좋은뉴스


Drunk driving fines can be paid in the following ways: You can pay directly to your virtual account or online through Internet Giro. Alternatively, you can use internet banking or use an ATM machine. It seems that all of this is the same as payment using a virtual account. Alternatively, you may pay directly to a financial institution. Of the two, the most convenient payment method seems to be a virtual account or an Internet Giro payment method.


In the case of Internet Giro, I don’t know if card payment is accepted or not. In the case of general Giro, it is possible to pay by card, but I don’t think it will be possible to check whether fines are possible unless you try it yourself.


As shown below, it is possible to pay in installments or postpone the payment of the fine if there are basic livelihood recipients, the disabled, or dependents, disaster victims with illness, or other very unavoidable cases. If you want to apply for the following applicants, you can prepare the required documents below and apply at the Prosecutor’s Office Enforcement Division. If you are included in the target below, it is also a way to apply.


If you really can’t pay, it is said that it can be replaced with community service only for those who have not paid a fine of less than 3 million won. However, if you are included in the following exclusions, please note that it is impossible to convert to community service even if it is less than 3 million won. If this is not the case, please bring the following documents and apply to the Prosecutor’s Office Enforcement Division.


It shouldn’t be weird, but if there are people who have to pay a fine for drunk driving, we’ve looked at how to inquire and pay a drunk driving fine. As most of the internet inquiry is possible, it is said that it is possible to search the drunk driving fine easily on the internet. If you need it, please go to the homepage and check it out. I hope this post will be helpful to you. thank you