자동차 환급금 car refund

Do you know about car refunds? To be precise, you can call it a car bond refund. As of 2021, it is said that the unrefunded bonds amount to 2391 billion won. Most of you are probably unfamiliar with it. Today, let’s learn about car bond refunds and find out how to view them.

What is a car refund?

After purchasing a car, you register it. When registering, you must purchase compulsory bonds such as regional development bonds or urban railway bonds. Of course, in recent years, depending on the type of car, there are some that are exempt from purchase. 자동차 환급금

The purchase amount of bonds will vary depending on the region and the type of vehicle. 좋은뉴스

자동차 환급금

These bonds usually have a maturity period of 5 years, and after 5 years, you can get a refund along with the purchase price and interest. This is called the car refund we are explaining today. To be precise, it’s a bond refund.


Car Refund Lookup

Car bond refunds were difficult to inquire in the past. Most of the people didn’t even know that they had made a purchase, or there were many cases where they couldn’t find it because of the hassle. Since March 22, online views and repayment have changed to be possible, so if you are curious, you can look it up.


Car refund inquiries can be made through individual bank mobile apps. Depending on the region, you can use the respective banking app.


▷ Checkable banks by region

Car Refund Lookup
Those who have registered their vehicles in Seoul and Incheon can inquire at Shinhan Bank, Daegu Bank in Daegu, and Busan Bank in Busan. Most of the other areas can be checked at Nonghyup Bank.



Automobile refund inquiry (Shinhan Bank)

Now let’s see how to look up. First, let’s look at Shinhan Bank.


Car refund inquiry Shinhan Bank
Car refund inquiry Shinhan Bank
1. After running the Shinhansol app, click [All Menus] -> [Utility Bills] -> [Billing Recruitment].


You need to check whether the bond is held.



Automobile refund inquiry (Nonghyup Bank)


Car refund inquiry Nonghyup Bank
1. Run the Nonghyup Smart Banking app. If you are not registered, please register.

If you have a Nonghyup account, click I have and proceed to sign up. If not, click None at the bottom. Click to register and open an account.


Car refund inquiry Nonghyup Bank
Car refund inquiry Nonghyup Bank
2. Click the menu. Click Account Management -> Local Development Bonds.


Car refund inquiry Nonghyup Bank
3. Click Unpaid Debt Inquiry to inquire.

Please note that redemption is only possible between 9:00 and 18:00 on weekdays.