장애 등급 혜택 Disability Level Benefits

Classification of Benefits by Disability Level

장애 등급 혜택

Disability levels range from 1 to 6. The state provides various exemptions and welfare benefits for people with disabilities. All of these welfare benefits are different depending on the level of disability. This time, I would like to introduce you to the disability grade. 장애 등급 혜택

Disability Level Benefits

I’m going to try to organize the disability grade benefits. The division has benefits given to all disabled people, and we will find out the benefits related to grades 1 to 3, which are classified as severely disabled, and grades 4 to 6, which are classified as mildly disabled. 좋은뉴스

Disability Level Benefits
First and foremost, these are the benefits that all people with disabilities can enjoy. It would be a good idea to read carefully from the top and apply for all of them while checking whether you have applied or enjoyed benefits and are included. Inquiries and application methods are also introduced.

Disability Level Benefits
Among the welfare benefits, tax benefits are also noticeable. As you can see, there are inheritance tax deductions, gift tax exemptions, and income tax deductions related to the disabled.

Also, in the case of subways and trains, you can use it 100% free of charge. In addition, there are many benefits related to transportation or vehicle purchase.

Disability Level Benefits

The following are benefits for people with disabilities of grades 1 to 3, which are classified as severely disabled. When you buy a car, you are exempted from registration tax and automobile tax. Discounts on electricity bills, city gas bills, etc. are also given.

Disability Level Benefits
It is a part of welfare benefits related to the disabled from 4th to 6th grade, which are finally classified as mildly disabled. Reductions or discounts related to passenger ship fares, airfare fares, and railroad fares are provided, and you can also receive discounts on automobile inspection fees.

Disability Level Benefits

We have also prepared a procedure for registration as a disabled person. You can visit the nearest eup/myeon/community center to register and apply for consultation. This time, I learned about disability grade benefits. It would be a good idea to confirm and register all the benefits you can enjoy.