제로페이 사용법 How to use Zero Pay

I often use Naver Pay and Kakao Pay for additional discounts and accumulation benefits, but the number of Zero Pay merchants has increased noticeably these days. In particular, I became more interested in the 20% discount on fisheries Daejeon gift certificates. Today, we will learn about Zero Pay.

제로페이 사용법

What is Zero Pay?
Zero Pay is a simple payment service that started in Seoul and has now expanded nationwide to more than 1.4 million stores. The first purpose was to reduce the burden of payment fees for small businesses. When paying with a credit card, you pay 0.8 to 2.3% of the payment amount as a fee, but when paying with Zero Pay, the payment fee is close to 0%, so the burden is greatly reduced. And for buyers, if you use Zero Pay in traditional markets, a 40% tax deduction is applied, so it would be better if you use Zero Pay in traditional markets. In addition, there are various benefits such as discounts on mobile gift certificates and point accumulation, so please check the benefits for each region. 제로페이 사용법

Various gift certificate discounts and cashback 좋은뉴스
In July, the discount rate of the Susan Daejeon gift certificate was 20%, which became an issue, but local gift certificates, including mobile Onnuri gift certificates, can be purchased with discounts or cashback benefits at any time. However, mobile Onnuri gift certificates may be used in fewer places than paper gift certificates, so it is recommended that you check the merchant carefully before purchasing. Recently, various brand gift certificates can also be purchased at a discount.

Zero Pay gift certificate discount
How to use Zero Pay
1. Decide which app to use Zero Pay. I thought it could only be used in the Biffle Zero Pay app, but it can be used in a variety of apps. You can check the image below to decide which app to use and download it.

Zero Pay Mobile Gift Voucher Purchase App
Guide to Zero Pay Mobile Gift Voucher Purchase App – Zero Pay Blog
2. Once you have selected and downloaded the app, link your account. I’ve used it before, so my account is already linked.

3. Use directly from the app (similar to a debit card or cash payment) or purchase a mobile gift certificate. Usually, there are many cases of purchasing mobile gift certificates because of discounts, so I checked it out on the app. The top is Biffle Zero Pay, and the bottom is Shinhansol. The main page has a different form, but the form of mobile gift certificate purchase is the same.



Biffle Zero Pay App
Biffle Zero Pay app purchase

Shinhan Sol App
Shinhan Sol Zero Pay Purchase

4. If you purchased a mobile gift certificate, please bear with the merchant. You can also find where it is available in the BiffleZeroPay app, or you can use the ZMAP app.


Check where Zero Pay is used
Check where Zero Pay is used
5. Pay with Zero Pay at the store. You can run the app you are using and scan the merchant’s QR code or present your code to the store.

6. It can also be used in online malls such as Onnuri Mall, In the Market, Public Shopping, and Dpay Shop, as well as WeMepo and some local delivery apps.

If you need to refund your mobile gift certificate, you can refund it through the app within 7 days of purchase. In the case of balance, please note that if you use more than 60% of the face value of the gift certificate, you can deposit it into your account.

Tips for use
1. There are discounts for public parking lots and public facilities, so please check carefully before using them. It’s over now, but I often used it when there was a 30% discount on Seoul Grand Park.

2. Purchase a local gift certificate with a 10% discount and receive a 10% discount from telecommunication companies at convenience stores or bakeries.

3. There are places where you can use mobile Onnuri gift certificates purchased with Zero Pay. In particular, if you use it in a traditional market, it will be more economical as there is a 10% discount on mobile gift certificate purchases and a 40% income tax deduction.