인터넷 전입신고 Internet transfer report

I have a job recently, so I’m going to apply for a transfer online. It was very attractive that I did not have to go to the community center.

However, in the case of the Internet transfer report, it does not proceed immediately after the application is made, and there are a few things to be aware of.

First, connect to Government24. https://gov.kr

인터넷 전입신고


Then, type in the transfer report in the search bar.

After that, click the Apply button next to the place that says “Registration of Transfer”. 인터넷 전입신고

Confirmation of the householder is a menu that the householder uses when there is someone who wants to be incorporated into the household later.

In the case of online transfer registration, there is no need to prepare separate documents. 좋은뉴스

All you need is a accreditation certificate.

Then look at the notes.

If the applicant is unable to confirm the age limit, separate household composition, and the head of the household over the Internet, etc.

It says that online transfer registration is not possible.

After clicking OK, a full-fledged Internet transfer application application appears.

Apply for the applicant information and the reason for moving in and click Next Step.

After that, enter the place where you lived first.

If you select a city / city / county and search for an address,

The address and local community center are displayed.

Then click next step.

Then you have to choose who will move in.

I applied for the applicant and clicked next.

If the head of the household is leaving,

You have to choose a new generation owner.

I don’t think minors are allowed.

Then, enter the address of the place you moved in.

You can also search for addresses and choose how to organize your household.

You were part of the previous generation.

Then, enter the name/resident number/mobile phone number of the existing householder and relationship.

Fill in everything here and click the Apply button. The transfer application is complete.

First, there is a reception, and then the head of the household is contacted to confirm.

I called the head of the household and asked him to do it quickly lol

When I do that, it shows up as processing.

I received it in the morning and it was processed in the afternoon.

Processing time is 3 hours within working hours. If possible, please apply during working hours.


Above, we have learned about the online transfer registration application and processing time, etc.